The Modern Recruiter
The Modern Recruiter
The Modern Recruiter #64: Predicting the future of recruiting, Matt Alder.

The Modern Recruiter #64: Predicting the future of recruiting, Matt Alder.

Hello everyone! I'm Robin Choy, CEO of HireSweet (a recruiting CRM that helps Talent Acquisition automate their outreach and nurture past candidates). Each week, I address various recruiting issues, such as recruiting outreach, interviewing, employer branding, and career management. My goal is to provide helpful insights to anyone interested in recruitment, whether you're an in-house recruiter, agency recruiter, freelance recruiter.

Predicting the future of recruiting, Matt Alder.

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Hi everyone, Robin Choy here!

In this episode of The Modern Recruiter, I sat down with Matt Alder, host of The Recruiting Future Podcast. Matt shared his perspectives on the perplexing task of predicting the future, especially within the recruitment industry. A must-listen episode for every recruiter who seeks leadership positions, as the companies who plan most accurately for the future will be the most successful in achieving their objectives.

Here are my main takeaways from this episode:

It’s all about thinking in terms of probability and impact. You also can never be 100% right, but you can still place bets - the goal is not to say “this will happen” but rather “there is a 70% chance this will happen, and if it does, the impact will be this”

Then, there are some things that are really likely to happen, because the trend has been going on for years, and there’s no sign of change. Doesn’t mean this can’t change, but that’s unlikely:

  1. Embracing Technological Advancements: The pace of technological change is unrelenting. The adoption of new tools and technology will keep on accelerating.
    It took 100 years for the car to be widely adopted, 30 years for TV, 10 years for internet, 1 year for ChatGPT (I’m simplifying of course).

  2. Addressing the Skills Crisis: There’s a skill crisis coming, with professionals needing to constantly train to stay on top of the market needs (nobody learnt to use ChatGPT in school, though it’s probably one of the best skill to focus on right now). Matt explained the urgency to anticipate these future needs, to identify the skills needed to address them, and to discover where to find those future candidates before other companies (which is complicated, as those candidates have no specific degree for those new skills).

  3. Navigating Noise and Signal: Information is abundant, but not all of it is valuable. If you seek leadership positions, you’ll be asked to make bets on the future (and usually, asked to make better bets than others). Matt recommends being strict with the content quality to distinguish genuine industry trends from the fleeting hype. Matt thinks listening to great podcasts and books from the industry is probably the way to go (versus social media). So keep listening to The Modern Recruiter ;)

By the way, if you seek a good first book to sharpen your decision-making process in times of incertitude (basically the role of any strategic corporate job), I recommend Thinking in Bets, by Annie Duke.

Have a nice week, and see you soon,


CEO of HireSweet

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